Adult Ministries
Aldersgate offers two adult Sunday school classes, each with a different learning opportunity and style of study. We encourage our friends and guests to visit both of our classes – to find the one that feels like home or feel free to join any class, if they are working on a particular course of interest .
For more information, or help choosing a class, contact Johannah Myers (864-244-1820-ext. 211).
Our classes meet from 9:30AM – 10:30 AM each Sunday.
Haddon Friendship Class
Age Group: Open to All!
Location: Parker Hall
Topic: Variety of lessons, guest speakers, book studies
Kingdom Class
Age Group: Open to All!
Location: Room 152 – The second classroom on the hallway that runs along the right side of the gym
Topic: Scripture is our topic with various leaders from our class although they do from time to time use a study book series.
The Aldersgate United Women in Faith is a fellowship whose spiritual goal is to enhance an individual’s relationship with God and to provide an opportunity to participate in the local and global ministries of the church. The United Women in Faith’s total program encompasses many areas of support for missions including local, state, and national. To achieve these goals, the women of Aldersgate have developed wonderful programs that vary in their design. Currently we have three circles, which are small group fellowships, that meet on a monthly or quarterly basis from September to May.
These circles include:
- Louise Best Circle – Second Tuesday,10:30 am, in Parker Hall.
- Mary Teasley Circle – Second Wednesday, 10:00 am, in the Soul Cafe
- Cindy Harter Circle – Meets quarterly in teh Mac Vinson Room, Parker Hall or at local charities.
For Circle contact information, please call the church office, 244-1820 and we will put you in touch with the correct chair.
We have several General Meetings that take place during the year. Your circle chair can certainly give you specifics.
Women of Faith is a group of women dedicated to being the best God wants us to be. We fellowship, study, and pray all while having fun. Please join us on Tuesdays mornings! For more info about times and current Bible Studies, contact Johannah Myers at
Connect at AUMC
Aldersgate offers opportunities for families to worship and grow together in our faith. On Wednesdays, during the school year, Connect is fellowship, food and bible study together for families. Our upcoming classes offer a variety of biblical studies and fun classes. For more information and for current classes, contact Johannah Myers at
Wednesday Night Connect Schedule:
- 5:30 – 6:20 p.m. Dinner, Adults- $8/ea, Children and Youth – $6/ea
- 6:30 – 7:15 p.m. Opportunites for childern, youth and adults
- 7:30 p.m. Chancel Choir
*Contact Susan Hamilton at to make your dinner reservations.
Missions & Outreach
I was able to travel with an Aldersgate Team in 2011 to Panama. It was one of the greatest and most meaningful experiences of my life. We were able to minister to a village deep in the jungles pf Panama bringing them the love of Christ through our teaching and actions…. The worship services were amazing and though there was a language barrier, we were all worshiping Christ and needed no translator.” AUMC Member
Where is God calling you?
We had the privilege of serving in Thailand from 2013 through 2017. Since returning to the states, we have maintained close connection with our team members and Thai students. One of the most rewarding things has been the opportunity to lead summer discernment trips back to Thailand with college students discovering to what and where God is calling them. In addition, we speak at universities, churches and with individuals who are seeking to find their place in Missions.
The Attaways
The Datwylers
The Boones
More information about International Mission Trips: Visit
“Missions made me feel closer to God, as I get to help the people that may be of need. It gives me a great feeling to be able to make a difference in somebody’s life. God wants us to reach out and serve others, Love thy Neighbor as yourself.” AUMC Member
An intergenerational group from Aldersgate goes annually to Kentucky on the Redbird Mission.
“Helping out at the Triune Mercy Center soup kitchen, visiting shut-ins, working at the garage sales and tutoring at Lake Forest Elementary have all been meaningful experiences for me. I am reminded of how blessed I am, and my life is enriched by all of the wonderful people I have met.” AUMC Member
Members of Aldersgate are involved in the organizations below – volunteering their time and/or donating financially. You will hear about specific projects through our newsletter, the weekly church bulletin and from your Sunday school class leaders and the other organizations and small groups at Aldersgate.
If you are looking for more volunteer opportunities in our local community – visit the United Way volunteer clearinghouse: Hands On Greenville
“Missions help me to grow through going out and seeing what others are living. It gives me a feeling of self worth that I hope to pass on. Any talents that I might have need to be used and not hidden away.” AUMC Member
Salkehatchie Summer Service is a pioneering servant ministry at selected sites in South Carolina involving high school and college age youth, adult community leaders and persons of different cultures in upgrading housing, motivating community cooperative efforts by helping persons to help themselves, and providing all participants with opportunities for personal growth and service.
Since 1896, Epworth Children’s Home has been a place for children to grow, learn and be loved. Children ages four – 18 come to us from broken family systems and our goal is to nurture and love them by providing education, counseling, medical care and spiritual enrichment. Our aim is to break the destructive cycle of abuse, neglect and shame and replace it with an opportunity for each child to live a life of self-respect, responsibility and productivity.
Companion Groups
Companion Groups are small, house groups that meet monthly for a meal and Bible study together. The word “companion” has roots in “co” and “pan” or together with bread. When we gather around a meal, relationships deepen and we find COMPANIONS for our journey with God.
What makes Companion groups different from other small groups? These groups are intentionally inter-generational. We believe that growing as disciples works best when we apprentice faith alongside people who are learning to practice their faith, too. That means we need people from all generations working together.
Companion groups share the core values of Messy Church. We are centered around Jesus through creativity, hospitality, and celebration with all ages working together. (For more information about Messy Church check out our Messy Church page Messy Church)
Companion groups are open to family units of all shapes and sizes, from singles to grandparents and everyone in between. If you’d like more information, please contact Johannah at