Sunday Worship

Sunday worship is led each week by the Pastor or special guest speakers. Throughout the year, our children, youth groups, and special guests also lead worship. Depending on the service you attend, you will hear our Chancel Choir, Praise Band, special guest musicians or a mix of all three. At other special times during the year you might also hear our Cathedral Handbells. What a beautiful sound! During times of congregational singing, the Choir Director, Chancel Choir and others will lead in the singing.

Children of all ages are most welcome in our worship services! We keep clipboards with coloring pages and worship bulletins plus bags with coloring books, etc, available for kids. The boards and bags can be found just inside the narthex (where the ushers are handing out bulletins). We love having kids in worship and don’t mind the noise or the wiggles! That being said, we do have a nursery for little ones, located downstairs below the sanctuary.

Watch the Sunday Worship Service live or view our past worship services on our YouTube Channel.

Music at Aldersgate UMC

The Aldersgate Music program includes a variety of choirs and ensembles and seeks to develop, in all age groups, a true sense of participation and leadership in worship. Our music is prepared as a loving and sincere offering to God on behalf of a worshiping people. All choirs are open to any person of the appropriate age who desires to participate.
O God, whom saints and angels delight to worship in heaven: Be among us who seek to honor you through art and music. Grant us new glimpses of your beauty in sight and sound and the desire to share your gift with all of the world. Amen.

Here are links so some of our recent music shared in worship:


Cherub Singers (K3 – K5), Children’s Choir (1st through 5th) Our focus is on developing skills for creative musical expression and spiritual growth, with a blast of fun! Rehearsals are Wednesdays during the school year, from 6:30-7:15 p.m.


This volunteer adult group leads in worship during our 10:46 Refuge Worship Service. The Chancel Choir is open to all who have a desire to sing and a willingness to learn. Music reading ability is helpful, but certainly not required. For information contact Grant Knox at


Handbells Experienced handbell ringers are invited to join this group. We perform a variety of music, both with bells alone and in combination with the choirs and instrumental groups. For information contact Grant Knox at